Document Management & Imaging

Available from Imaging101, Inc.
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Imaging101, Inc. offers its core software solution, Imaging101, for document imaging, document management, document scanning, retrieval, and electronic document routing. Imaging101 is a powerful, flexible solution that provides many advantages over storing images and documents manually in directories or on CD/DVD, and makes it faster and easier to scan and store paper and electronic documents than filing them into paper folders and filing cabinets.

Modules include:

System Configuration
Enables system administrators to define and manage applications, search-field names, database look-up tables, drop-down list values, sort orders, security and more.

Batch Control
After batches of documents are scanned, the work can be scanned, routed, indexed, re-routed, prioritized, monitored and even deleted. All of this functionality is controlled via the User and Group security module.

Imaging101 enables users to acquire paper documents, files or data streams by either scanning with industry standard scanners or to easily import document images, electronic office documents or files. Scanning parameters can be pre-defined and secured as profiles to ensure consistent results and prevent changes by operators.

Index/Document ID
Quickly and efficiently enter index information (metadata or properties) describing the page, document or file being stored to make it easier to find and retrieve later.

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