
220 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10036-7200

About Genpact

As financial institutions (FIs) increasingly rely on technology and process design to modernize their operating models, they are seeking partners who can help them be more competitive. We enable FIs to extend the power of digital all the way through to the middle and back office where it can generate growth, cost efficiency, and business agility.

Competitors of Genpact



INDATA® is a leading industry provider of software and services for buy-side firms, including trade order management (OMS), compliance, portfolio accounting and front-to-back office. INDATA’s iPM Portfolio Architect AI is the investment industry’s first portfolio construction, modeling,... Read More

Financial Technology Laboratories, Inc.

Financial Technology Laboratories, Inc.

Powering Your Fixed Income Electronic Trading Needs. Financial Technology Laboratories, Inc. is a leading technology company that specializes in trading productivity solutions for the fixed income market. FTLabs' BondPub system provides electronic bond trading workflow optimization tools... Read More

Bloomberg Professional Services give decision makers access to a network of information, people and ideas — all built on cutting-edge technology and best-in-class data. Today’s corporate treasury is a strategic partner for the C-Suite. Evolve your treasury for the era of AI and automation with... Read More