BondHub™ – Fixed Income Data Integration Platform

Available from Financial Technology Laboratories, Inc.

Product Details

BondHub™ – Fixed Income Data Integration Platform (Click to enlarge image) As competition in the marketplace increases and regulatory reporting times decrease, fixed income trading firms must automate and improve their efficiency or they will be left behind. Traders want to maximize exposure of fixed income quotes and RFQs across multiple trading venues while maintaining the ability to execute instantaneously without the risk of overselling inventory. They want choices for security reference data and pricing vendors. They want to see market orders, quotes, and RFQs collected in one place. The operations staff wants trades to automatically flow through to the clearing vendor to meet reporting and compliance requirements. And, management wants to see increased trading volume and higher profits.

Responding to these challenges often requires integration and interaction between multiple computer systems – both internal and external to the firm. The solution to this fixed income electronic trading problem is our bond trading platform, BondHub. BondHub acts as an Integration As A Service (IAAS) platform for the bond market – centralizing access to electronic trading, clearing vendors’ trade reporting, reference data sources, and historical and evaluated pricing data sources.

Primary uses of the BondHub service portal currently include:

Publish Quotes (bids & offers)
Publish RFQs (bids wanted & offers wanted)
Publish Trade Reports
Publish / Receive Trade Notification (Drop-Copy)
Execute Orders (at list, negotiated)
Receive Market Quotes
Receive Market RFQs
Receive Security Reference Data*
Receive Historical Trade Pricing*
Receive Evaluated Security Pricing*

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