Avoco Secure

8 Clifford St
London, W!S 2LQ
United Kingdom

About Avoco Secure

Avoco Secure is the premier Enterprise Security, Authentication and Signature solution provider. Avoco’s principal areas of focus are security applications providing document content security and authentication. Avoco products are easy to use because they are transparent, they are flexible so that they can grow and change with your organization and they are extremely cost effective. A major part of Avoco’s efforts are directed at developing and supplying software for military, government and major corporate groups where protection of intellectual property is of paramount importance. Avoco Secure's secure2sign and secure2trust software opens the doors of your enterprise, by controlling access to, securing the use of document content and enabling the use of digital signatures for signing and audit. secure2trust provides unparalleled access control options including a unique combined authentication feature. secure2sign also provides document signing and allows multiple digital signatures to be placed on electronic documents. As well as flexible restriction options secure2trust secures document content as it is created; and the content is persistently secured both inside and outside of your organization creating Secure Information Sharing through the application of secure and trusted digital rights management. secure2trust is leading a technology revolution known as document digital rights management. secure2trust gives you the power to create documents that remain under your corporate control throughout their entire existence. Even if you allow another party to have a copy of your original document you can be sure that the copy will always have your original controls as part of its properties. The digital rights options which will control printing, copying, viewing, etc give you persistent and secure digital asset protection and intellectual property control. Digital rights mechanisms are the only way to ensure document integrity in a persistent way for both inter and intra company communications.

Competitors of Avoco Secure

Action1 Corporation

Dell Inc.

Refense AG

Our technology is used by Fortune 1000 enterprises to proactively identify and mitigate the threats and vulnerabilities within their routers, switches, firewalls, and wireless access points. Read More