Post-Trade Network & Automation Management
Increased dependence on multiple external parties such as prime brokers, custodians, and third party administrators makes it critical to gather, process, and communicate accurate post-trade data in a timely manner.
Trade Communicator is a highly adaptable post-trade order management platform designed to facilitate the transmission of transaction details to external parties. Managers who simply need to send their trades to external parties can upload or enter their trades into the Trade Communicator blotter.
*Real-time FIX message processing
*Position management
*Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) deployment model allows for rapid implementation and subscription based pricing to reduce upfront costs
*Data validation rules ensure data integrity and reduces trade breaks
*Easily consolidate trades from numerous internal and external sources
*Message-based integration with internal systems and counterparties
*Proactive issue alerts
*No need for additional on-site hardware or software
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