Appligent develops desktop and server-based software and plug-ins for PDF document imaging and PDF document management, including redaction and form-flattening, as well as PDF-specific server applications for forms, stamping, appending, encryption and digital signatures, all available across many server OS platforms. Its Professional Services unit offers capabilities ranging from forms development to Section 508 compliance and remediation, scripting, disc development and high-resolution imaging, while its professional services unit ensures that clients get the most from their investment in document management.
Appligent's PDF document management capabilities include:
Server software for management and manipulation of PDF files on a server;
Desktop software for redacting, stamping, splitting and assembling PDF files;
PDF forms programming and development;
Document scripting automation and programming;
PDF accessibility and compliance with Section 508;
Consulting on PDF technology and content deployment;
Repurposing paper based content from books & magazines into high quality digital content.
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