Minerva OEMS is the first buy-side solution to provide comprehensive order management (OMS) and execution management (EMS) for all asset classes and markets in a single system.
The OEMS includes highly configurable global order workflow, trading, fund allocation, integrated compliance, audit and post trade processing. Single-click connectivity is provided from the Minerva blotters to a wide range of brokers, algorithms, DMA venues and ECNs, and real time Level 1 and 2 market-data is integrated throughout the system.
Minerva OEMS can be implemented as a single product, integrated with clients' existing systems, or as part of the LatentZero suite alongside Tesseract (decision support for portfolio managers), and/or Sentinel (for pre- and post-trade investment compliance).
Key Features
Support for equities, listed derivatives, fixed income, OTC derivatives, money markets and foreign exchange
Full coverage of US, European, Japanese and Asian trading practices
Comprehensive control and audit of the order management and trading process, with highly configurable workflows and trading screens
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