erwin® Data Modeler

Available from erwin, Inc.
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Product Details

erwin Data Modeler is an industry-leading data modeling solution that provides a simple, visual interface to manage your complex data environment. The erwin Data Modeler family of products is made up of a number of distinct editions that are designed to meet the needs of a variety of audiences across the organization.

Standard Edition
erwin® Data Modeler Standard Edition allows you to manage enterprise data through an intuitive, graphical interface.

Workgroup Edition
erwin® Data Modeler Workgroup Edition is designed for data modeling team collaboration. It provides conflict resolution, versioning, security and standardization for multi-user modeling.

Navigator Edition
erwin® Data Modeler Navigator Edition allows read-only access, providing discovery, visualization and analysis capabilities for those in the organization who need to view and evaluate information, but not create or edit models.

Community Edition
erwin® Data Modeler Community Edition is a free, entry-level data modeling tool that is a subset of the erwin Data Modeler Standard Edition product. It is a great way for students and those new to modeling to get started with an industry-leading data modeling tool.

For Microsoft SQL Azure
erwin® Data Modeler for Microsoft® SQL Azure™ is a single platform version of the erwin data modeling solution. It can be used on its own to manage MS SQL Azure-only environments, or as an add-on to an existing edition of erwin Data Modeler.

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