Trading Hours Report® offers authoritative regular and irregular trading hours for major cash and derivative markets around the world. One year of trading hours data for standard products and their exceptions is provided in a single file.
Updates to markets are delivered monthly and include reported changes since the previous update. Email alerts are sent to subscribers when significant changes occur between updates. Annual schedules for updates are available each November.
Features include:
•Country name and ISO code
•Market name and ISO Market Identifier Code (MIC)
•Product group, name, type, and code
•Day range
•Full calendar range for regular trading hours
•Single dates for late openings, early closings, special hours
•Trading phases from pre-open to post-close
•Our unique phase type for filtering trading phases
•Each phase’s open and close in local time
•Random periods
•Close on expiry or last trading day
•Historical and new data when a market changes hours
•Projected dates when special arrangements are expected
•Date when changes were recorded
•Time zone: GMT offset for Standard Time, DST and Olson designation
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