Now sell-side firms can automate and optimize all their portfolio and single order trading with one cost-effective solution. The InfoReach Sell-Side trading platform for broker-dealer integrates OMS functionality with the intelligent trading tools and advanced execution capabilities of an enterprise-strength trade management system. It's the elegant technology answer for those seeking the best of both worlds unified in a single, customizable platform.
Our trade management software provides sell-side trading desks with the technology and tools to take client orders and baskets through the most efficient execution cycle. Beginning with pre-trade analysis of a client's intended orders, the InfoReach Sell-side TMS for broker-dealers tightly wraps the trade execution cycle with pre-trade, in-trade and post-trade analysis. It tracks performance against various benchmarks and keeps both trader and client abreast of execution progress and results.
With OEMS technology specifically engineered for high-volume trading, InfoReach Sell-Side trading system for broker-dealers enables rapid, high-capacity order staging and management. Traders can turn over even thousand-name baskets in seconds.
Built-in algorithms, integration with hundreds of third-party algorithms, connectivity to a wide array of global markets and the ability to customize execution and routing logic provide sell-side traders with superior set of tools to improve execution performance.
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