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It is easy to take charge of your FIX connectivity with your trading counterparts using InfoReach’s FIX routing solution - FIXGate. InfoReach provides you with a FIX gateway that comes with the essential set of tools to allow you to setup and monitor your own FIX connectivity. Since FIXGate puts you in control of your electronic connectivity it increases your flexibility and reduces operations costs.

Build your own connectivity to your trading counterparts using the InfoReach FIX Configurator in less than a minute.

Here is how it works:
1. Provide your trading counterpart with the IP and Port information they will need in order to connect using their FIX engine. InfoReach will provide this IP and Port information for you upon setting up the FIXGate service.
2. Using our Add Connection tool, specify the FIX connection name, ID for your counterpart, ID for your firm, and select the FIX protocol version you have agreed upon with your counterpart.
3. Optionally, provide FIX connection scheduling information for connect, disconnect and reset times.

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