
Available from Xignite, Inc.
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This API offers security master data for a wide range of exchange-traded instruments including equities, exchange traded funds (ETFs), depository receipts, derivatives, bonds, money market funds, U.S. mutual funds and other structured products. With a broad coverage spanning more than 200 global markets, this API provides issuer, instrument and security level information for more than 1.5 million active instruments.

Key Features
•Coverage of more than 200 of the most popular global exchanges
•Current or point-in-time details about global securities, instruments and their issuers
•Security identification by symbol, CUSIP, ISIN, Valoren or SEDOL (where supported)
•Master data by exchange, sector or industry or for one or multiple securities at a time
•Tie all instrument types issued by an issuer
•Easily link issuer, instrument and security data
•Lookup global securities, instruments and issuers using multiple symbologies

Key Benefits
•Use a single easy-to-use API to obtain all your security master data
•Eliminate the need to maintain your own on-site security master
•Keep your own security master synchronized and accurate
•Easily embed global securities data in your applications--including spreadsheets, websites, mobile apps and other corporate applications
•Dramatically reduce time to market for apps that need global master data
•Eliminate the pains and complexity of legacy feeds by using cloud APIs

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