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This API offers ‘terms and conditions’ reference data for US bonds including corporate bonds, government bonds and Treasury bonds. The API provides issue identifiers, bond issue details and terms and conditions for more than 200,000 active bond issues.

Key Features
•Support for US Corporate, Treasury and Agency government bonds
•Support for more than 200,000 active bond issues
•Search by bond description and issuer name
•Screening using combinatorial criteria based on coupon rate, maturity date, callability, and issue convertibility
•Issue conditions and capital structure lookups
•Early redemption and sinking fund schedules lookups
•Issue managers, underwriters and other agents lookups

Key Benefits
•Eliminate the need to painfully maintain your own on-site bond security master
•Keep your local bond master synchronized and accurate by using XigniteBondMaster as a master reference
•Use a single easy-to-use API to obtain comprehensive, institutional quality corporate bond reference and master data
•Easily embed bond reference and master information in your applications--including spreadsheets, websites, mobile apps and other corporate applications
•Dramatically reduce time to market for apps that need fixed income reference data
•Eliminate the pains and complexity of legacy fixed income reference data feeds by using cloud APIs

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