Historical Stock Prices by Date API
This API offers historical prices for equities trading on more than 50 global exchanges. In addition to closing prices, the API supports open, high, low, volume other market statistics going back to 1/1/2000 for most exchanges.The API also provides corporate actions such as stock and cash dividends and allows the user to request split and dividend adjusted prices.
Key Features
•Historical stock data from 1/1/1994 for US securities 1/1/2000 for international securities
•Historical prices as a time series output or point in time snapshot
•Historical prices with daily, weekly and quarterly steps (bars)
•Automatic split and dividend adjustments
•Multiple adjustment options
•Top movers, gainers and losers as of a given point in time
Key Benefits
•Use a single easy-to-use API to obtain historical stock data for global stock markets
•Easily embed global end-of-day stock data and historical stock data prices in your applications--including spreadsheets, websites, mobile apps and other corporate applications
•Dramatically reduce time to market for apps that need end-of-day and historical stock data prices
•Eliminate the pains and complexity of legacy feeds and files by using cloud APIs
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