NASDAQ Real-time Last Sale Quotes API
This API offers real time stock quotes for securities trading on NASDAQ and listed on NASDAQ, NYSE, NYSE MKT (formerly AMEX) and other US Exchanges. It is based on NASDAQ Last Sale service. Unlike traditional Level 1 data, you can display this real time data publicly via internet, mobile devices and other electronic media without having to pay user exchange fees. While only trades occurring on NASDAQ are provided, this API provides reliable, accurate and affordable quote data for all U.S. equity markets.
Key Features
•Real-time last sale data for NASDAQ-traded securities
•Coverage for NYSE, NASDAQ, and NYSE MKT listed-securities trading on NASDAQ
•Request real time data for one or multiple securities at a time
•Custom or preset intraday charts
Key Benefits
•Access to real-time data without exorbitant user exchange fees
•Highly accurate coverage of securities traded in US markets
•Data can be displayed on web sites and mobile apps
•No licensing difference between pro and non-pro users
•Easily embed real-time equity prices in your applications--including spreadsheets, websites, mobile apps and other corporate applications
•Dramatically reduce time to market for apps that need US real-time equity prices
•Eliminate the pains and complexity of legacy feeds by using cloud APIs
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