Fundamental Data API For North American Stocks & Companies
This API provides stock fundamentals data for active U.S. and Canadian listed companies. The service delivers more than 400 current or historical fundamental data points per company. This stock fundamental data API is ideal as a stock research tool, for analysis, recommendation engines, and finance and investment websites and mobile apps.
Key Features
•Extensive coverage of North-American listed companies
•Coverage of company demographics, identifiers, classification information, shares and dividend data, trading statistic, top level current financials, PE and other ratios, etc.
•Company identification by symbol, ISIN, CUSIP, Valoren, or CIK
•Request company stock fundamentals data for one or multiple companies
•Request individual fundamental data points or a list of fundamentals data points
Key Benefits
•Access hundreds of data points for thousands of companies with same simple API
•Access institutional quality fundamental data through an easy-to-use API
•Easily embed stock fundamentals data in your applications--including portals, spreadsheets, websites, mobile apps and other corporate applications
•Dramatically reduce time to market for apps that need equity fundamental data
•Eliminate the pains and complexity of legacy equity fundamental data file processing using cloud APIs
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