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Analyst Ratings API for Buy, Sell and Sales Consensus

This API provides data for analyst recommendations, stock ratings revisions, and analyst sales estimates for U.S. and canadian listed companies and stocks. Earnings estimates are provided by Zacks Investment Research, the leading investment research firm focusing on equities earnings estimates and stock analysis for the individual investor.

Key Features
•Analyst Recommendations data includes number of analysts that rate each stock as a Strong Sell, Sell, Hold, Buy, and Strong Buy, as well as the consensus mean recommendation. Analyst stock ratings data also includes current ratings as well as recent figures from 1, 2, and 3 months ago to show a recent trend up or down.
•Analyst Revisions & Histogram data includes recent analyst stock ratings estimate and ratings revisions over the last 7 and 30 days, along with expected earnings report dates coming up. This information can be used to produce a histogram chart indicating the potential for an earnings surprise.

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