Atoti Market Risk is a packaged yet customizable solution for market risk reporting, analysis, and optimization.
What makes Atoti Market Risk really stand out is the way it consolidates and makes all the relevant risk data available for analysis. With Atoti Market Risk you have granular access to everything. You can perform sensitivity analysis and explain your PnL over any number of Greek variables
Users can drill down to any level, even to the trade level to find the answers they need. They can examine books and trades across any dimension on the fly, without limits or constraints, and run What-if scenarios to optimize portfolio hierarchies. They have dedicated views for day-to-day variance, and if they need to look back a little further, they can also access historical data going back months or years with just a click.
Atoti Market Risk enables risk managers to go beyond reporting, to explain and optimize. You can calculate margin requirements based on real-time data, scale positions, and sensitivities at any level, and see the impact side-by-side.
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