Atoti provides you with a real-time, reliable picture of your liquidity situation at every level of your organization, bringing together internal and regulatory liquidity. With Atoti, you do not just look at the past, you have a clear picture of your liquidity in the present and even in the future, thanks to its powerful simulation capabilities.
For Liquidity risk management, Atoti can provide:
Aggregation of ALL cash flows (In/Out) of the bank balance sheet and compute net and cumulative balance over an unlimited number of axis of analysis.
Ability to drill down/drill-thought into the most granular level of information available (Individual retail customer cash flow product).
Ability to visualize liquidity gaps over user-definable bucketing structures
Ability to monitor Minimum Cumulative balance per currency (or any other dimension) on user-definable time horizon.
Ability to define stress scenarios (behavioral stress test) according to user definable conditions (run off, R). Stress scenarios are immediately available and impact on all liquidity metrics can be evaluated on the fly.
Ability to monitor 'Stress Survival Period' metric under user definable stress scenarios
Ability to import and aggregate stressed cash flows from external systems (collateral system for Collateral Outflows, market risk engines etc...)
Ability for users to input manual cash flows or to define rules to generate automatic cash flows to adjust the balance sheet data.
And much more...
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